Vitoria Setubal is a football club in the Primeira Liga in Portugal. Our contract includes installing LED lights on their training facility and in their offices. This will both generate a massive saving in energy cost as well as a reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent to more than 64 tonnes annually.

And that is just the beginning. We also installed 250 kWp worth of solar panels on the roof of their futsal, handball och gymnastics facility. This will help reduce CO2 emissions by a massive 165 tonnes annually.

So help us cheer Vitoria Setubal on!

And let us know if your sports club (or any other company for that matter) needs our help getting your own renewable energy solutions or LED installations with no upfront costs.

Vitoria FC Setubal

  • LOCATION: Setubal, Portugal
  • ENERGY PRODUCED, year 1: 462 MWh
  • ENERGY REDUCTION, year 1: 179 MWh
  • CO2 REDUCTION, year 1: 230 tonnes